Acca sellowianaPineapple Guava, Feijoa sellowiana 15G / 17"
Acer rubrum 'Florida Flame'Red Maple® Field Grown
Aspidistra elatiorCast Iron Plant 1G / 6"
Betula nigra 'BNMTF'Riverbirch 'Dura Heat' 30G
Buxus sempervirensSaunders Dwarf™ Boxwood 7G / 14"
CallistemonBottlebrush 30G
Cycas revolutaKing Sago Palm, Cycad 30G
Dianella tasmanica 'Variegata'Flax Lily, Tasmanian Flax Lily 1G / 6"
Dietes iridioidesAfrican Iris, Fortnight lily Liners
Galphimia glaucaGold Shower, Galphimia gracilis, Shower of Gold, Golden Thryallis, Thryallis Glauca Liners
3G / 10"
7G / 14"
Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint'Chinese holly, Horned Holly 3G / 10"
Ilex Vomitoria 'Upright Yaupon'Yaupon Holly 30G
Jasminum multiflorumJasmine Pubescens, Downy Jasmine 3G / 10"
Juniperus chinensis 'Parsonii'Chinese Juniper 3G / 10"
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific'Shore Juniper 3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Tuscarora'Japanese Crape Myrtle Liners
LigustrumPrivet 65G / 32"
Ligustrum japonicumJapanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7G / 14"
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Ligustrum japonicum 'Howard'Japanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum Liners
Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi'Japanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum 7G / 14"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium'Japanese Privet 'Recurvea', Wax Leaf Ligustrum, Wavy Leaf Ligustrum 1G / 6"
7G / 14"
Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum'Chinese Privet 3G / 10"
Loropetalum chinense 'Plum'Chinese fringe flower 7G / 14"
Magnolia grandiflora 'D.D.Blanchard'Southern Magnolia 'D.D.Blanchard'®, Southern Magnolia 200G / 48"
200G / 48"
Metroxylon SaguTrue Sago Palm, Metroxylon rumphii, Rumbia 7G / 14"
Muhlenbergiamuhly grass 3G / 10"
Ophiopogon intermediusAztec Grass, Variegated Liriope 1G Full
Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana'Dwarf Mondo Grass 1G / 6"
Phoenix sylvestrisSylvester Date Palm, Silver Date Palm, Wild Date Palm 3G / 10"
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
PittosporumCheesewood 3G / 10"
Plumbago Auriculata 'Imperial Blue'Cape Leadwort 3G / 10"
Podocarpusplum pine 30G
Quercus texanaNuttall Oak, Quercus nuttallii Field Grown
Quercus virginianaLive Oak, Southern Oak Tree 150G / 42"
Field Grown
Field Grown
100G / 36"
Field Grown
200G / 48"
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Field Grown
Rhaphiolepis umbellataYedda Hawthorne, Yeddo Hawthorn, Indian Hawthorn Liners
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
Rhododendron 'Duc De Rohan White'Azalea 3G / 10"
Rhododendron 'Lavender Formosa'Southern Indica Hybrid Azalea 7G / 14"
Rhododendron 'Red Formosa'Southern Indica Hybrid Azalea 3G / 10"
Rhododendron indicum 'Duchess of Cypress'Southern Indica Hybrid Azalea 3G / 10"
Rhododendron indicum 'George L. Taber'Southern Indica Hybrid Azalea, George Tabor Azalea 3G / 10"
Salix babylonicaWeeping Willow 65G / 32"
Trachelospermum asiaticumAsiatic Jasmine 1G / 6"
Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Tricolor'Asiatic Jasmine 1G / 6"
Tulbaghia violaceaSociety Garlic 1G / 6"
Viburnum obovatumWalters Viburnum 3G / 10"
Viburnum obovatum 'Densa'Walters Viburnum 7G / 14"
Viburnum obovatum 'Mrs. Schiller's Delight'Viburnum 3G / 10"